Monday 23 January 2012

Turtle Bay and the Rainforest Retreat

     So I have been unable to update the blog for about 10 days and so much has happened! Last time I checked in I was preparing to get on a train to go to Turtle Bay. The overnight train was long and cramped but effective as we arrived safe and sound. It was a thirty minute bus ride to our resort which was amazing! We stayed in cottages right on the water. Very picturesque! I was able to swim in the Arabian sea, lie in a hammock and read a book, and play beach volleyball. We had a lot of time to relax while there, but were also able to do a lot. I was able to get an Ayurvedic massage and we all learned about the practice of Ayurveda. One day was dedicated to snorkeling. I decided not to snorkel along with nine others so instead we were able to go to 4 local schools to give out teddy bears and tennis balls that we had brought with us. This was so much fun! After we had chai (tea) and then went out on a fisherman's boat to got see dolphins.The rest of the group who went snorkeling sounded like they didn't enjoy it as much as they thought, and even not knowing this I was so happy I chose to stay back. While there we were also able to learn about the area and talk with a local NGO. They were teaching the locals the importance of toilets and proper sanitation. From some of the money we raised we are going to be able to pay to have a public washroom installed. The group is unsure of what to name it up to this point. Any suggestions? The last night we had a bonfire on the beach and watched the stars. At the time I did not want to leave and would have been totally happy staying there for a few more days. That was before I arrived at the Rainforest Retreat.

     The rainforest retreat was suppose to be only a 6-8 hour bus ride away at most but it turned into a 12 and a half hour bus ride. The bus we were on was pulled into a stop at one point for a "routine check". This was no routine check as our bus was literally breaking down. I could not believe we actually made it to the next location in that bus. Our professor was getting very frustrated with these bus drivers as they had no idea where we were going or what he was saying but still wanted to try and show us around the area to get more money. We did arrive late that night. Rainforest retreat could not hold everyone which was known in advance so six of us were chosen to go to the Golden Mist retreat up the road. I was one of the six and we had so much fun. We dropped of the others first and then drove to our own resort .... well to the top of the road at least. When we got off Ludwig, the owner of Golden Mist, picked us up in a jeep. I have never been so squished before in my life. The six of us and our packs were stuffed into the back of the Jeep (pics to come). Ludwig was originally from Germany and had moved to India 20 years ago. He had established this organic tea and coffee farm about 8 years ago. He was very interesting and accommodating. While there we were able to see how each retreat ran and explored some of the western gats and learned about the local area. There is so much to say, but unfortunately only little time at an internet cafe. I am now in Mysore where I will be completing the first part of my semester in school. I will be here for 4 weeks so I will try and find a way to communicate more and hopefully post more pictures. Hope everyone's winter is going well :P

Talk to you soon

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